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|  | 263-22 India, Rajasthan, Jaisalmer, Desert Festival, camel tattoo show
| 263-21 India, Rajasthan, Jaisalmer, Desert Festival, camel tattoo show
| 263-20 India, Rajasthan, Jaisalmer, Desert Festival, camel tattoo show
| 263-19 India, Rajasthan, Jaisalmer, Desert Festival, camel tattoo show
| 263-18 India, Rajasthan, Jaisalmer, Desert Festival, camel tattoo show
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|  | 263-17 India, Rajasthan, Jaisalmer, Desert Festival, musicians on camelback
| 263-03 India, Rajasthan, Jaisalmer, Desert Festival, camel procession
| 262-51 India, Rajasthan, Jaisalmer, Desert Festival, ceremonial procession
| 261-23 India, Rajasthan, Thar Desert, Sam Sand Dunes, people with camels
| 261-22 India, Rajasthan, Thar Desert, Sam Sand Dunes, people with camels
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|  | 261-21 India, Rajasthan, Thar Desert, Sam Sand Dunes, man with camels
| 261-20 India, Rajasthan, Thar Desert, Sam Sand Dunes, people on camels
| 261-18 India, Rajasthan, Thar Desert, Sam Sand Dunes, people on camels
| 261-17 India, Rajasthan, Thar Desert, Sam Sand Dunes, people on camels
| 182-90 India, Rajasthan, Thar desert, Sam sand dunes, camels
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|  | 156-15 China, Xinjiang prov., Turpan, Bezeklik area, desert, camels
| 123-21 India Pushkar Camel Fair
| 123-20 India Pushkar Camel Fair
| 123-19 India Pushkar Camel Fair
| 118-61 Egypt Aswan Nile River West Bank Western Desert
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